The sad reality of plastic waste on earth and in the oceans: why it is urgent to act now 🌊🚯.
Plastic waste has become one of the most glaring and urgent environmental problems of our time. Unfortunately, most people do not realize the scale of this crisis and the devastating impact it is having on our planet. In this somewhat shocking article, I reveal some facts that should make you react… and perhaps act, hopefully!
Here are some shocking facts about plastic waste… to convince you to move from pollution to solution with my help. Prepare to be surprised.

Less than 10% of plastic waste is recycled worldwide!
Plastic waste is omnipresent in our modern society. We are making and consuming more and more… and the pace is accelerating. Did you know that the vast majority of this waste is not recycled? Indeed, numerous credible sources confirm that 91% of plastic waste produced worldwide is not recycled. This means that most of the plastics we use every day are burned or end up in landfills or worse, our oceans.
The reasons for this low recycling rate are multiple: lack of awareness, unsuitable infrastructure, high recycling costs, massive exports of plastic waste from industrialized countries to other countries (in Asia, Africa, etc.), use of plastics as fuel, contamination of certain waste which makes them less desirable and recyclable, etc. This is a situation that cannot continue. It’s time to change our consumption habits and actively promote recycling… Not so easy.
According to experts, we will double or even triple the amount of plastic waste in the coming years. Ouch! The egg or the chicken? Are we trying to reduce the manufacturing of products made from different plastics (we're not going to get there tomorrow...) and/or are we banning single-use plastics and/or are we trying to recycle more? Are consumers ready to change their habits and accept having fewer products made from plastic? Fortunately, this solution is optimized day after day and is gradually taking place in Asia and Europe. Why not soon in America? In addition, this solution is in harmony with the environment! Corsair link.

The Philippines: country where the most plastic waste is thrown into the ocean
The Philippines: more than 7,000 pretty islands, 113 million friendly inhabitants, birthplace of the famous boxer Manny Pacquiao! It is also the country that dumps the most plastic waste into the ocean Rivers and rivers of plastic waste.
Every year, thousands of tons of plastic are dumped into Philippine waters and many other countries, putting marine life and coastal ecosystems at risk.
The “Top 10”:
In addition to the Philippines, India, Malaysia, China, Indonesia, Myanmar, Brazil, Vietnam, Bangladesh and Thailand are not far behind the Philippines.
Some countries have taken steps to combat this scourge, but much remains to be done. It is crucial that all countries around the world come together to solve this global problem... because this plastic waste comes back to us thanks to ocean currents or the ingestion of microplastics and nanoplastics by animals and fish.

There are several plastic continents in the oceans, including 1 which is at least 5 to 6 times larger than France.
“Plastic soups or continents” are areas of the ocean where plastic waste is trapped by ocean currents. The most famous of these is the "Pacific plastic continent", which is estimated to be at least five times larger than France. It is an ecological tragedy that requires immediate action. We need to step up our efforts to clean up these areas and prevent new plastic waste from accumulating there.
It is estimated that there are more than 100 million tonnes of plastic waste in the oceans. Some studies put forward the figure of 200 million tonnes. Aerial photographs now reveal the presence of at least 5 “soups or continents of plastic waste”. Nothing in the spotlight for human beings versus biodiversity. Let's say that nature suffers from the follies and abuses of its two-legged inhabitants!

More than 10 million tonnes are released into the oceans... per year. The quantities increase year after year. Remember that what we see on the surface is only the tip of the iceberg... more than 80% of waste is at the bottom of the oceans.
Impressive statistics regarding plastic pollution by year:

Plastic pollution in the oceans has disastrous consequences for marine life. Marine animals often ingest pieces of plastic, which can lead to serious injury or even death. Additionally, plastic breaks down into small particles called microplastics and nanoplastics, which marine animals mistake for plankton and are thus ingested by fish and other marine animals, and eventually end up in our food. It’s time to take drastic action to protect marine life and preserve our planet… and our own health.

Solutions exist, but they require collective action.
Fortunately, solutions and strategies exist to combat plastic pollution. It is essential that governments, businesses and citizens around the world work together to reduce plastic production, promote recycling and clean up landfills and oceans because the accumulation of recent years is disastrous for the health of the planet and our own health in the medium term.
Initiatives such as bans on the use and sale of single-use plastic bags, beach clean-up campaigns, effective and efficient recycling programs, new discoveries of alternatives to plastics, etc. are important steps and steps in the right direction. Yes, steps... but now it is time to move on to more muscular and concerted actions. The goal is to protect our planet for future generations.
Wait for governments to legislate and do everything for us? Not easy. The UN and other pro-environmental organizations have been sounding the alarm for several years now. Summits have taken place including that of the UN in Paris in May 2023 . That's good, but it's so difficult to have firm and uniform commitments in all the countries of the world, obtain funding, provide adequate assistance to less well-off countries in order to "clean up their sites (for dozens years, we have sent them millions of tons of our plastic waste… and counting), etc.
As businesses, don't wait to be singled out by consumers and governments like Pepsi in November 2023.
Can we be proactive as businesses and citizens? Yes it's possible. Please contact me to get involved voluntarily to reduce your plastic footprint. I will list many financial and non-financial benefits to make your commitment easier.
Whether for your business and for yourself. Let me convince you in a few minutes how to concretely reduce your plastic footprint. Inexpensive as a gesture and even paying!
Make an appointment with me via my calendar
In conclusion, the plastic waste crisis is an urgent problem that requires immediate action. The health of our planet, biodiversity and human beings depend on it. 🌊🚯
Every kg of plastic removed from the planet counts.
-I am committed to helping you participate in the fight by reducing your
plastic imprint.
Signed: Rock Bérard
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