I hurt my planet!
The OECD is alerting the world… but who is listening?
According to the OECD, plastic waste will increase significantly by 2060 even if tough measures are put in place. It must be said that consultation is not great between countries when we talk about the environment. Lots of fine speeches, few concerted actions with even fewer coercive measures. 😢
It is clear that the costs would not be exorbitant to globally manage the plastic waste that is found everywhere in our oceans, on mountain peaks, in the ice floes of the Arctic and Antarctic, regardless of where this waste comes from. . The challenge: concerted muscular actions between countries… and it’s urgent.
Corsair's goal: build more than 100 recycling plants by 2030! With well-paid jobs!
Enjoy reading the article in reference.
Signed: Rock Bérard
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